Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Dare

Thanksgiving Dinner was with Nate's family this year. His brother Greg & wife Kristy were hosting at their house- Kristy's parents joined us too. After dinner, somehow the topic turned to a dare. The pool looked cold and money was getting placed (we were up to an easy $60) on Gary (Kristy's dad & triathlete) to see if he would jump in the pool. Then I joined into the conversation saying I would jump in- so now the bet is who can stay in the longest. I was not expecting to stay in long but at least give Gary a run for his money. He was not going to make money that easily. I know we checked the water temp, but I forgot what it was at. We both jumped in one after another by going down the slide. Going down the slide I was wondering what I was thinking. Surprisingly though after the initial shock of the water- it wasn't bad! We ended up making a truce and splitting the pot of $70. I spent my money on Starbucks.


Anonymous said...

The water was a freezing 57 degrees. Way to go, Britt!

Kristin said...

Brittany you are so crazy! That is the funniest story ever! You go girl!!!