Monday, November 5, 2007

Time Out!

Mr. Matix is our cute little boy who likes to test Nate and I daily with our patience and brain power. He is one stubborn and smart little boy.

This is Matix in time out in a parking lot!

I pulled over after he threw a major tantrum and unbuckled himself. I felt badly, but I put him in time out on the curb and watched him until he was done crying.
He just walked up to the computer and pointed at it say "crying . . . not funny." So he obviously remembers the situation.


Rachel McEwen said...

Hey Brittany,
What were your boys for Halloween? I really want to see pictures. Will you post some? Thank you!

Alison Carter said...

I definitely understand!!! I have gone to extreme measures with the whole time out thing myself! ;)

Sarah Goodsell said...

I know it was not funny at the time ut really is funny to me b/c I was not going through it. I'm sure that day is not far from now.

Brock Nelson said...

I love it!

Lindz said...

Parenting can be so hard at times! Veronica says she loves it now but it will be her turn in no time! :) I just tagged you! Read my blog for the directions. It's a short one and kinda fun!

stewart.shana.ella said...

That is seriously so funny. It takes extreme measures with the little ones sometimes. When they get mad they are not easy to reason with!